Complete CV here: CV
September 2023-: Associate Professor at LCQB, Sorbonne Université and collaborator of the Inria team Ouragan.
October 2022- August 2023: Postdoctoral researcher @INRIA team Ouragan and IMJ-PRG team ’Combinatoire et Optimisation’ with Elias Tsigaridas, Sorbonne Université, Paris. Around theoretical result on sampling and learning probabilistic models over hyper-graphs
January 2022 -September 2022: Jointly:
- Data Scientist for Cancer detection and classification in medical imaging @Median Technologies, with Pierre Baudot, Sophia Antipolis, France
- Postdoctoral researcher @Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Lens, with Yaël Frégier, Université d’Artois, Lens, France. Around theory and applications of self-supervised learning.
June 2021-December 2021: Postdoctoral researcher, @Laboratory MMEF, with David Rudrauf, Université de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland.
Modeling conscious artificial intelligent agents in multi-agent environments using active inference, reinforcement learning and game theory -
May 2021: Defended my PhD in Mathematics, done under the supervision of Daniel Bennequin, @Université Paris-Cité, IMJ-PRG.
Introducing algebraic tool to formalize the Critical Brain Hypothesis, a hypothesis inspired by statitical mechanics on how the brain functions coming from neurosciences, in order to derive new classes of models that are 'critical brains'