- I have initiated a study group centered on compositional structures and their interaction with probabilistic modeling, named the "Compositional Structures in Probabilistic Modeling" see here CSPM.
- I have initiated a study group centered around the topic of Mathematical Models of Consciousness, named the "Paris Mathematical Models of Consciousness." see here PMMC.
If you wish to receive updates or join this study group, please send an email with the subject line: "Compositional Structures in Probabilistic Modeling" at gregoireserper[a.t]gmail[d.o.t]com,
If you wish to receive updates or join this study group, please send an email with the subject line: "Paris Mathematical Models of Consciousness." at gregoireserper[a.t]gmail[d.o.t]com,
For more on the subject see Computational studies of consciousness.
- 2025 Co-Organiser of Conference "Geometry and Machine Learning 2025", Sorbonne Université.
- 2023 Co-Organiser of the Session "Information, statistics and topology” at the Conference on Geometric Science of Information(GSI)
- 2022 Part of program committee of 'NeurReps Workshop: Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations'
- 2021 Co-Organiser of Workshop ’Geometrie de Wassertein’, Laboratoire de Mathematique de Lens, Université d’Artois.